What is WTS?
WTS is an international organization dedicated to the professional advancement of women in transportation. Founded in 1977, WTS boasts roughly 8,500 members internationally — both women and men. WTS exists to raise the profile of the transportation profession and to help women find opportunity and recognition within the industry.
The WTS Colorado chapter has hundreds of members committed to excellence within the transportation sector. The chapter is dedicated to inspiring and empowering professionals with the latest information and innovations.
2024 WTS Colorado Awards Recognition Luncheon Program
President — Kelly Maiorana
Immediate Past President — Michelle Hoysick
Vice President — Maddison Tischler Ward
Secretary — Caroline Canady
Treasurer — Tara Burke
Directors-at-large — Nyssa Beach, Graham Blaxton, Jen Crewswell, Maux Sullivan, Lisa Nguyen (DEN Liaison), Erin Lammott (CDOT Liaison)
Membership & Recognitions Co-Chairs – Lia Graklanoff, Shannon Phillips, Jennifer Nielson & Shelby Roberts
Communications Co-Chairs – Morgan Marion, Dominic Fikany, & Lindsey Daniels
Professional Development Co-Chairs – Jiovanna Toppi & Apurva Sawant
Programs Co-Chairs – Marty Droze & Lauren Heath
Special Events Co-Chairs – Emily Clarke & Clare Maloney
Scholarship/Student Outreach Co-Chairs – Caitlin Arnold, Jo Mohr, & Melanie Freeman
Transportation YOU Co-Chairs – Annie Makuch
Young Professionals Co-Chairs – Emily Kleinfelter & Stefi Szrek
Diversity Co-Chairs – Kenna Davis & Shay Reilly
Colorado Springs Chair – Karen Rowe & Annie Daniel
Boulder Area Co-Chairs – Veronica Son, Anna Kollmorgen, & Janet Jue
Executive Committee Co-Chairs – Kara Swanson & Colleen Roberts
Northwest Regional Representative – Molly Veldkamp
Jim Starling
Angie Malpiede
Amara Hildebrand
Galina Leiphart
Sara Bauermeister
Jen Cresswell
Emily Clarke
Adam Borsch
Lisa Candelaria
Ashica Smith
Iwona Dumin
Denise Aten
Jody Erikson
Brandy Miller
Krystel DeHerrera
Garrett Grijalva
Clare Maloney
Britt Walter
Amy Foreman
Thank you to FHU and Michael Baker International, our WTS Awards Recognition Luncheon Sponsors, for their continued support of our chapter.
Award Winners
2024 WTS award winners are an outstanding group of leaders, committed to the advancement of the transportation sector and the women within the industry.
Scholarship Winners
WTS fosters the development of women in the transportation field by encouraging
students and new professionals to undertake careers in the transportation field. One
way it does this is by awarding scholarships to women pursuing studies in a
transportation or related field.
How to Apply for 2025
Each year the WTS Colorado Chapter supports exceptional young women as they pursue careers in the transportation industry by awarding six local scholarships. Each WTS Colorado scholarship winner is automatically entered for consideration for the WTS International Scholarship award.