Abbigail Hoffman


    WTS CO Chapter Scholarship
    (WTS Transportation YOU High School Scholarship)


    Ponderosa High School

Abbigail Hoffman is a senior at Ponderosa High School in Parker, Colorado.

Abbigail Hoffman is a senior at Ponderosa High School in Parker, Colorado and a varsity member of the Girls Golf team. She has had interest in engineering and craftsmanship since a young age, where her studies have focussed on math, science, and welding.

She is employed as an Engineering Technician at Broadbent & Associates Inc., a local environmental engineering and geology consulting firm. She is responsible for creating AutoCAD figures that analyze data for environmental remediation, groundwater resources, and civil engineering. Based on her ongoing education and special interests, she is thrilled to pursue a dual degree in mechanical engineering and biomedical engineering at Colorado State University starting in the Fall of 2025.In Abbigail’s spare time away from school she enjoys being one on one with nature, creating hands-on art projects, and skating the streets of Colorado. She hopes to bring a difference to the world of engineering through creating a sustainable future for humanity and wildlife. 


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